Wednesday, July 23, 2003

How Many More Lies Americans?

The whole GD war was a fraud - who is awake and who still believes whatever bush and his cronies tell them?

The U.S. mainstream newsmedia is a lie, all concocted to takeover Iraq. Remember when Bush lied and stated all he wanted to do was get rid of "evil" Saddam? Ok, Saddam is gone, he could never be in power again. So, why is Bush still trying to occupy this small (about twice the size of Idaho) 3rd world country?

This site is a very good start in trying to read between the line of lies. Bush and the newmedia are literally lying through their teeth to continue with the Iraqi slaughter. (gets over 4,000,000 hits a month).

This site takes you directly to the meat of the matter, after browsing it, if you are still in denial, there is no hope for you. Continue watching CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc, continue being a zombie and parroting whatever they tell you' "Saddam gassed his own people (can we attack yet?)- Saddam dropped babies on a cold hospital room floor, left them to die (can we attack yet?) - Shoot, darn, all we want is a regime change (can we attack yet?) All we want to do is make Iraq safe for the Iraqi people (can we continue to kill, maim and bomb them?)"

Let the newmedia lead you to believe it's about the oil (it's a bonus) but, what they are really fighting for is the soil.

Don't click this link - you may become angry!

Online book, read the whole book, I give it 5 stars.

A warning to America from a non-Zionist Jew: "Don't allow Israel to get your country into the Middleast" (too late, but thanks)

Sharon tells US: We need you to disarm Iran, Syria and Libya after Iraq.

US tells Sharon: No problem, you're the boss.

After we control ALL of Palestine we will need the land from Egypt to Iraq (Iraq is just the begining).

Darn! I didn't know we gave them that much! Well, now you do.