Friday, February 13, 2004

in '95 Cheney lobbied against the US Iran-Libya Sanction Act in an attempt to secure an exemption so that Halliburton could develop Iran's offshore oil fields as well as proposed pipelines to carry Caspian Sea oil to the Persian Gulf. Cheney then ignored and evaded the sanctions.

Business ethics regarding Cheney/Halliburton have always been an issue, but more important issues are:

1) Halliburton's growing role as something of a US "Private Military adjunct", and 2) the extent to which this emergence drew upon Cheney's position as Sec. of Def. and then VP of United States.

Cheney launched the Defense Dept. privatization effort in '92, took advantage of it as CEO of Halliburton from '95 to 2000, and then helped extend and entrench the "private army" aspect as the VP.