Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Business News: "Let's get this straight once and for all. Illegals ARE NOT a financial drain on our system. It is just the opposite. Every study that's been done shows that illegals unwillingly contribute huge amounts to the system - without being able to receive one penny in benefits. Even Conervative Columnist Joel Mowbray admitted this in his testimony before Congress:

'Since 1990, the amount of Social Security taxes paid by illegal aliens has been increasing rapidly. More than $300 billion has been paid under bogus Social Security numbers (SSNs) since that time. The figure is tracked by the Earnings Suspense File (ESF), with is an accounting of all Social Security taxes paid to fraudulent, bogus, or incorrect SSNs. As of 2000, the ESF has $345 billion in credits. Although some of the taxes credited to the ESF?which is an accounting file that contains no actual funds?come from clerical errors, most are the result of taxes paid on illegal aliens who do not provide employers with valid SSNs.

That's $300 BILLION, folks. And this is in SS payments only, and doesn't include witheld Income Tax.

Neocons should stop their scapegoating and diversionary tactics and put the blame for this deficit disaster squarely where it lies, with this administrations's giving away the treasury through tax cuts to the corporate rich and politically motivated military actions. But hey, let's focus on something really important, like the Marriage Amendment. "