Monday, March 15, 2004

Kerry Doesn't Need to Lie
by: wildandcrazylib (34/F/Close to NY) 03/15/04 04:21 pm
Msg: 80955 of 80969
5 recommendations

Anyone with half a brain (and that excludes anyone in the Bush administration and his supporters) knows that there are several governments who are opposed to Bush and his policies. Shall we name a few?

Germany, France, Canada, most African and Arab countries (excluding a few that torture their citizens like Bush's ally Uzbekistan), and Mexico.

Vincente Fox cancelled a meeting with Bush over two years ago over their differences and only recently agreed to meet with him again. Putin, who once professed his "love" for Bush's soul has backed away from his former relationship with Bush, only today criticizing the US.

South Korea has been infuriated with Bush over his refusal to deal directly with South Korea.

Most Latin America countries are infuriated with Bush and refuse to support his proposal for a Latin American free trade agreement.

Anyone who believes Kerry isn't accurate when he says there are world leaders who would prefer him to Bush is insane.

Bush is a moron (as some former government officials in Canada have said before).

The new government of Spain also disagrees with Bush and his policies as do many members in the EU.

The only countries who truly seem to support Bush are Britain, Italy, Uzbekistan, Poland, and Pakistan.


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