Friday, April 16, 2004

by: wattsamattu 04/16/04 09:41 pm
Msg: 165 of 217
12 recommendations

It seems to me that you do not know much of the history of the region. Try to read up a bit.

Learn about how the USA backed a coup in Iran in 1953 and installed the Shah as a puppet. How we trained his brutal secret police. All this led to the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the taking of US hostages.

Learn how Bush/Reagan backed Saddam and supplied him with weapons and intelligence. Learn how the Israelis preemptively bombed his nuclear power plant. Learn how they ignored the gassing of the Kurds. Learn how Ambassador April Glaspie declared we had "no interest" in Saddam's dispute with Kuwait, effectively green flagging the invasion.

Learn how Bush II and his phonied up little war is just one more screwup in along line of American policy blunders that all hinge on a relentless need for oil.

When some yammerring little GenY know-nothing comes along and hasn't got the foggiest idea of why we're there and why they hate us, it only perpetuates the cycle.

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