Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "NOTHING IS EVERYTHING
by: yakcat01 (43/M/Dead Bush Falls, USA) 04/10/04 05:26 pm
Msg: 11587 of 11592
1 recommendation
Let's start with Clinton. Did Clinton foil the Millenium Plot?
Yes, he did.
Was Richard Clarke one of the few CLINTON folk Bush kept on...precisely BECAUSE he was an expert in Al Queda and terrorism?
Did Sandy Berger and Clarke tell Condi Rice that Al Queda would - and SHOULD - be Bush's #1 priority?
Did she follow that warning?
Did Clarke give Condi a comprehensive plan to tackle Al Queda on Jan 25th?
Did she show it to the President?
Yes...EIGHT MONTHS LATER...a WEEK before 9/11, she showed him a plan almost identical to Clarke's.
And what was the President doing in the meantime?
Playing golf.
And did he ALSO get a briefing a MONTH before 9/11, titled 'Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside The United Satates'?
Did he read it?
You mean...can he read at all? No one knows.
Ok. Fair enough. But was it explained to him?
Well, since Condi had already forgotten the bit about the planes, it couldnt have done any good.
Did Bush do everything he could to prevent 9/11?
If you call nothing everything, yes he did.
Who would call nothing everything? That would be like calling black white, up down, war peace, bankruptcy prosperity, etc.
Right. In other words, the world view of the Bush supporter.
Bush did NOTHING, which is everything he could do. "
by: yakcat01 (43/M/Dead Bush Falls, USA) 04/10/04 05:26 pm
Msg: 11587 of 11592
1 recommendation
Let's start with Clinton. Did Clinton foil the Millenium Plot?
Yes, he did.
Was Richard Clarke one of the few CLINTON folk Bush kept on...precisely BECAUSE he was an expert in Al Queda and terrorism?
Did Sandy Berger and Clarke tell Condi Rice that Al Queda would - and SHOULD - be Bush's #1 priority?
Did she follow that warning?
Did Clarke give Condi a comprehensive plan to tackle Al Queda on Jan 25th?
Did she show it to the President?
Yes...EIGHT MONTHS LATER...a WEEK before 9/11, she showed him a plan almost identical to Clarke's.
And what was the President doing in the meantime?
Playing golf.
And did he ALSO get a briefing a MONTH before 9/11, titled 'Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside The United Satates'?
Did he read it?
You mean...can he read at all? No one knows.
Ok. Fair enough. But was it explained to him?
Well, since Condi had already forgotten the bit about the planes, it couldnt have done any good.
Did Bush do everything he could to prevent 9/11?
If you call nothing everything, yes he did.
Who would call nothing everything? That would be like calling black white, up down, war peace, bankruptcy prosperity, etc.
Right. In other words, the world view of the Bush supporter.
Bush did NOTHING, which is everything he could do. "
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