Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "It's not Bush's fault...
by: bush_wags_the_dog 04/13/04 02:50 pm
Msg: 130009 of 130016
3 recommendations
It's the liberals. It's the ACLU. It's Clinton. It's Monica. It's the 'climate of permissiveness'. It's France. It's ecoterrorists. It's the liberal media. It's Clinton's p*nis. It's Hillary. It's Dean. We never could have known they'd fly planes into buildings. 'No actionable intelligence'. They didn't tell us to do anything. O'Neill's lying. Clarke's lying. General Shinseki's lying. The Union of Concerned Scientists is lying. It's Janet Jackson's boobs. It's the homosexuals wanting to marry. It's the atheists. It's the marijuana.
It's anybody but Bush.
Well, fine then. ANYBODY BUT BUSH IN 2004! "
by: bush_wags_the_dog 04/13/04 02:50 pm
Msg: 130009 of 130016
3 recommendations
It's the liberals. It's the ACLU. It's Clinton. It's Monica. It's the 'climate of permissiveness'. It's France. It's ecoterrorists. It's the liberal media. It's Clinton's p*nis. It's Hillary. It's Dean. We never could have known they'd fly planes into buildings. 'No actionable intelligence'. They didn't tell us to do anything. O'Neill's lying. Clarke's lying. General Shinseki's lying. The Union of Concerned Scientists is lying. It's Janet Jackson's boobs. It's the homosexuals wanting to marry. It's the atheists. It's the marijuana.
It's anybody but Bush.
Well, fine then. ANYBODY BUT BUSH IN 2004! "
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