Thursday, April 08, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "9/11 FACT : Bin Laden openly vowed
by: mightymouseou812 04/08/04 05:36 pm
Msg: 117269 of 117270
1 recommendation

to target and kill American civilian & military personel everywhere begining in 1996.

House of Representatives - September 07, 2000[Page: H7349]

August 1998--The ``International Islamic Front for Jihad against America and Israel,'' a group sponsored by Bin Laden, issues a warning in the London-based newspaper al-Hayat that, ``strikes will continue from everywhere'' against the United States. (CNN Interactive, 8/20/98)

May 1998--Bin Laden announces the formation of an ``International Islamic Front for Jihad against America and Israel,'' according to The News, an Islamabad, Pakistan daily. (The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism web site,

March 1998--Bin Laden faxes messages to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad and U.S. consulates in Peshawar, Lahore, and Karachi threatening to attack U.S. facilities and citizens. (The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism web site,

February 1998--Bin Laden uses a fatwa, religious decree, to call for the liberation of Muslim holy places in Saudi Arabia and Israel, as well as the death of Americans and their allies. The decree says, ``These crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on God, his messenger and Muslims.'' (The Washington Post, 2/25/98)

May 1997--During an interview with CNN, Bin Laden reaffirms his call for a holy war against Americans. ``We have focused our declaration of jihad on the U.S. soldiers inside Arabia ..... The U.S. governme"