Sunday, May 30, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards World News

Yahoo! News Message Boards World News: "Re: Noecons immune to truth now
by: emmanual_goldstein_2004 (45/M/Oceana) 05/30/04 11:56 am
Msg: 5839 of 5935

'In recent years Sudanese intel officials and Americans firendly to the Sudan regime have invented a fable about bin laden's final days in Khartoum. In the fable the Sudanese Govt. offers to arrest bin laden and hand him over in chains to FBI agents, but Washington rejects the offer because the Clinton administration does not see bin laden as important or does and cannot find anywhere to put him on trial.

The only slivers of truth in this fable are that

a) the Sudanese govt. was denying its support for terrorism in the wake of the UN sanctions, and
b) the CSG had initiated informal inquiries with several nations about incarcerating bin laden, or putting him on trial. There were no takes. Nonetheless, had we been able to put our hands on him then we would have gladly done so. '

Richard Clarke - Against All Enemies Pg. 142. "