Friday, May 21, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News

Got My Bush/Cheney Packet Yesterday
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/21/04 04:29 pm
Msg: 171988 of 172451
7 recommendations

Big ugly picture of that ugly fake cowboy and his fat wife, laura. Must be a ton of make up on the shrublet, too. Funny thing is he's asking me for donations, and EVEN SENT A POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPE for me to send the donation.

Tonight I'll go home and find the heaviest object(s) I can find to stuff that envelope with. Perhaps a slab of lead with the following engraved on it:

Anybody But Bush 2004.

Bush sucks. Kerry in '04, Bush in prison '05

Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News