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by: ifuturist 05/25/04 06:02 am
Msg: 22297 of 22311
6 recommendations
It should be increasingly obvious to all but the most benighted of Bush's right wing ideologues that the domestic and foreign policies of the Bush administration have been an abject failure.
Contrary to recent specious claims manufactured through the gross manipulation of federal statistics, the economic policies of the Bush Administration continue to result in a steady loss of good paying industrial jobs and the continuing failure of many small and medium sized manufacturing, shipping, and agriculture related businesses in the global marketplace.
The majority of the remaining jobs are low paying service and sales related jobs maintained primarily through the use of bank promoted consumer credit. The high interest rates and irrational bank charges combined with aggressive marketing in the increased use of credit cards has ultimately resulted in a vast increase in personal bankruptcies. Cumulative evidence indicates that individual, as well as small business and corporate bankruptcies are at an all time high.
How many people have noticed that the value of the dollar has declined precipitously against the Euro and the British Pound while failing to produce any of the claimed increases in the exports of manufactured goods that Bush’s Commerce Department and the Federal Reserve said would occur? Has everyone forgotten that the Republican tax incentives that benefited big business almost exclusively also encouraged many of the large multinational American corporations who contributed to Bush’s election to move much of our manufacturing to China and many other low wage nations to the detriment of American labor and our balance of payments?
Indeed, our balance of payments deficit has gone from bad to worse as we import more and more foreign oil and other consumer products that have helped fuel inflation. The national debt that we and our children will have to eventually pay through our taxes has increased substantially due to the expenses of the Bush manufactured Iraq war and corporate subsidies.
Has it occurred to American taxpayers that we have been unwittingly subsidizing most of Bush’s large corporate campaign contributors to the detriment of the quality of our lives, our schools, and our health care systems?
Have the executives of Bechtel, Halliburton and their many subsidiaries as well as the remainder of the military industrial complex profited enough at our expense? Isn't this enough for even the most rabid conservatives?
A vast change in the policies and the elected officials mismanaging the Executive and Legislative branches of government seems called for.
Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories
by: ifuturist 05/25/04 06:02 am
Msg: 22297 of 22311
6 recommendations
It should be increasingly obvious to all but the most benighted of Bush's right wing ideologues that the domestic and foreign policies of the Bush administration have been an abject failure.
Contrary to recent specious claims manufactured through the gross manipulation of federal statistics, the economic policies of the Bush Administration continue to result in a steady loss of good paying industrial jobs and the continuing failure of many small and medium sized manufacturing, shipping, and agriculture related businesses in the global marketplace.
The majority of the remaining jobs are low paying service and sales related jobs maintained primarily through the use of bank promoted consumer credit. The high interest rates and irrational bank charges combined with aggressive marketing in the increased use of credit cards has ultimately resulted in a vast increase in personal bankruptcies. Cumulative evidence indicates that individual, as well as small business and corporate bankruptcies are at an all time high.
How many people have noticed that the value of the dollar has declined precipitously against the Euro and the British Pound while failing to produce any of the claimed increases in the exports of manufactured goods that Bush’s Commerce Department and the Federal Reserve said would occur? Has everyone forgotten that the Republican tax incentives that benefited big business almost exclusively also encouraged many of the large multinational American corporations who contributed to Bush’s election to move much of our manufacturing to China and many other low wage nations to the detriment of American labor and our balance of payments?
Indeed, our balance of payments deficit has gone from bad to worse as we import more and more foreign oil and other consumer products that have helped fuel inflation. The national debt that we and our children will have to eventually pay through our taxes has increased substantially due to the expenses of the Bush manufactured Iraq war and corporate subsidies.
Has it occurred to American taxpayers that we have been unwittingly subsidizing most of Bush’s large corporate campaign contributors to the detriment of the quality of our lives, our schools, and our health care systems?
Have the executives of Bechtel, Halliburton and their many subsidiaries as well as the remainder of the military industrial complex profited enough at our expense? Isn't this enough for even the most rabid conservatives?
A vast change in the policies and the elected officials mismanaging the Executive and Legislative branches of government seems called for.
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