I am a proud and patriotic American
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "I am a proud and patriotic American
by: polar_bear925 (40/M/Northern Michigan) 06/26/04 09:23 am
Msg: 520810 of 521018
11 recommendations
I am a proud and patriotic American.
I was born and raised in the United States of America.
I am fiercely proud of the land of my birth and upbringing.
I have great respect and admiration for the American people.
I hold great respect and admiration for the Constitution of the United States of America.
I will defend the honor and integrity of my homeland to my last breath.
I am neither Republican nor Democrat.
I am neither liberal nor conservative.
I am angered, disgusted, and outraged by the manner in which the good name of America and the integrity of her people have been dragged into the mud through the actions and policies of our current administration.
Like many other patriotic Americans who find themselves in the same position as myself, I will express my anger, disgust, and outrage by NOT voting for Bush this November.
I am critical of the actions and policies of the Bush administration BECAUSE I love this country and all that she stands for. My reasonable expression of that criticism is my right as a proud American as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. I am also aware of the unquestionable and undeniable fact that NO presidential administration or political party is more important than the nation, the people, and the Constitution that our elected officials are sworn to serve and protect. "
by: polar_bear925 (40/M/Northern Michigan) 06/26/04 09:23 am
Msg: 520810 of 521018
11 recommendations
I am a proud and patriotic American.
I was born and raised in the United States of America.
I am fiercely proud of the land of my birth and upbringing.
I have great respect and admiration for the American people.
I hold great respect and admiration for the Constitution of the United States of America.
I will defend the honor and integrity of my homeland to my last breath.
I am neither Republican nor Democrat.
I am neither liberal nor conservative.
I am angered, disgusted, and outraged by the manner in which the good name of America and the integrity of her people have been dragged into the mud through the actions and policies of our current administration.
Like many other patriotic Americans who find themselves in the same position as myself, I will express my anger, disgust, and outrage by NOT voting for Bush this November.
I am critical of the actions and policies of the Bush administration BECAUSE I love this country and all that she stands for. My reasonable expression of that criticism is my right as a proud American as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. I am also aware of the unquestionable and undeniable fact that NO presidential administration or political party is more important than the nation, the people, and the Constitution that our elected officials are sworn to serve and protect. "
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