Sunday, June 13, 2004

Quotes by Pat Buchanan on US/Israel Ties

Yahoo! News Message Boards World News: "YOU ALL WILL LIKE READING THIS
by: amberjsmithh 06/13/04 04:43 am
Msg: 5980 of 5993
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''War Party' ideas and plans for an attack on Iraq had been in preparation far in advance of 9/11, and when President Bush was looking for a new front, the neocons put their precooked meal in front of him. And Bush dug into it.' -- Pat Buchanan

'Bennett, Kristol, Podhoretz seized on the horrific atrocity [of September 11] to steer America?s rage into all-out war to destroy their despised enemies, the Arab and Islamic states that have resisted U.S. hegemony and loathe Israel.' -- Pat Buchanan

'The neocon vision is to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel....[They] seek American empire and the Sharonites seek hegemony over the Middle East. The two agendas coincide precisely.' -- Pat Buchanan

'Max Boot of the WSJ and Lawrence Kaplan of New Republic play the anti-Semitic fend off critics by assassinating their character and impugning their motives.' -- Pat Buchanan

'To Neocons, Israel comes first, second, and third, conservative values be damned!' -- Pat Buchanan

'Richard Perle wrote a paper urging Israeli PM Netanyahu to dump the Oslo Peace Accords and target Iraq -- five years before 9/11.' -- Pat Buchanan

'Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith urged Israel to ditch the Oslo and take back the West Bank though 'the price in blood would be high, three years before the Camp David talks.' -- Pat Buchanan

'Pentagon official David Wurmser urged the U.S. to act in concert with Israel to 'strike fatally...the regimes of Damascus,"