Bush Supporters...
It's worse. They think they're included in it. See the last paragraph.
Republican Trolls:
State impossible generalizations like "ALL LIBS ARE LIARS".
Employ the old, Nazi, "Big Lie" tactic.
Attempt to link liberalism to the most horrible of people, even though every Republican is by definition a Liberal Democrat.
Say "prove it," even though they have seen the proof many times. When the proof is given in response, they repeat their demand for proof, in a syntax mimicking the recursive ignorance of a toddler who asks "why?" to every answer.
Exhibit Projection. They are evil and liars, but rather than recognize it they characterize others as liars and evil.
Say that there is a moral equivalence between Bill Clinton's lies and George W. Bush's.
Ignore facts, and avoid posting facts. Facts are their enemy.
Support their party to a fascistic degree, but don't know what "fascism" means.
Deny they are wrong, even when the proof is right in front of them.
Blame the "liberal media" for news critical of their party but ignore that every major media outlet is owned by a giant corporation.
Epitomize the scientific study showing that Conservatism is a psychological complex of fear, aggression, dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity, avoidance of uncertainty, overreaching for cognitive closure, and terror management. Even their moral attributes are merely expressions of these needs.
Change the subject, often by making up scurrilous accusations about Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or FDR.
Read lists of rhetorical fallacies not to refute the illogic of others, but to construct illogical arguments of their own. They need an illogical argument because there is no logical argument supporting their goal, or, if there is one, they are not intelligent enough to construct it.
Rarely believe what they're saying, but always believe that the Republican power apparatus will reward them for their political atavism.
Never see any return on their intellectual gamble, and don't understand that it's because they are being played by the Republican power apparatus.
Think Ann Coulter and William F. Buckley believe their own copy, and aren't just doing it for the money. (Rush Limbaugh is so screwy he may actually believe almost half of what he says.)
In short, Republican Trolls are a market of suckers, dupes, fools, naifs, and evil liars, and have complied with the duping by trying to grow the market, unpaid.
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Republican Trolls:
State impossible generalizations like "ALL LIBS ARE LIARS".
Employ the old, Nazi, "Big Lie" tactic.
Attempt to link liberalism to the most horrible of people, even though every Republican is by definition a Liberal Democrat.
Say "prove it," even though they have seen the proof many times. When the proof is given in response, they repeat their demand for proof, in a syntax mimicking the recursive ignorance of a toddler who asks "why?" to every answer.
Exhibit Projection. They are evil and liars, but rather than recognize it they characterize others as liars and evil.
Say that there is a moral equivalence between Bill Clinton's lies and George W. Bush's.
Ignore facts, and avoid posting facts. Facts are their enemy.
Support their party to a fascistic degree, but don't know what "fascism" means.
Deny they are wrong, even when the proof is right in front of them.
Blame the "liberal media" for news critical of their party but ignore that every major media outlet is owned by a giant corporation.
Epitomize the scientific study showing that Conservatism is a psychological complex of fear, aggression, dogmatism, intolerance of ambiguity, avoidance of uncertainty, overreaching for cognitive closure, and terror management. Even their moral attributes are merely expressions of these needs.
Change the subject, often by making up scurrilous accusations about Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, or FDR.
Read lists of rhetorical fallacies not to refute the illogic of others, but to construct illogical arguments of their own. They need an illogical argument because there is no logical argument supporting their goal, or, if there is one, they are not intelligent enough to construct it.
Rarely believe what they're saying, but always believe that the Republican power apparatus will reward them for their political atavism.
Never see any return on their intellectual gamble, and don't understand that it's because they are being played by the Republican power apparatus.
Think Ann Coulter and William F. Buckley believe their own copy, and aren't just doing it for the money. (Rush Limbaugh is so screwy he may actually believe almost half of what he says.)
In short, Republican Trolls are a market of suckers, dupes, fools, naifs, and evil liars, and have complied with the duping by trying to grow the market, unpaid.
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