Thursday, August 12, 2004

I would trust my government if only...

Yahoo! News Message Boards World News: "
by: jmirth (35/M/A nice place to live) 08/12/04 02:50 pm
Msg: 245671 of 245671

I would trust my Government if only...

If only Jeb Bush wasn't the Governor of Florida.

If only his administration wasn't filled with PNAC members and oil/chemical execs.

If only PNAC's ideas for the military and defense and future spending didn't depend on a "catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor"

If only that "catalyzing event" didn't happen.

If only the plans to invade Afghanistan hadn't been admitted to European allies in the summer of 2001 to take place in the fall of 2001...and then it happened...because of the catalyzing event.

If only our Presidents invasion of Iraq wasn't a dream of his administration members since the early 1990's.

If only oil executives weren't waging war in oil rich and oil strategic regions of the world.

If only we had found some WMD's.

If only I didn't know that we weren't going to find any (or much).

If only our Presidents family and circle of associates wasn't so tied up with the military industry via the Carlyle Group along with members of the Bin Laden Family and his brothers weren’t so tied up in security firms before the "catalyzing event" including the "security" of the WTC in NYC and sitting across the bay at a meeting of heads of the C.G. watching the towers burn while the heads of other major financial companies some with offices in the WTC sat at a meeting at Offutt air base in Nebraska (luckily enough and also, one of Bush's stops after leaving Sarasota) that same morning.

If only our Intelligence committee chairmen (both from Florida) weren’t eating breakfast with the "moneyman" of the "hijackers" the morning of 9-11 and one of them, Rep. Goss being nominated for the head of the CIA now.

If only history hadn't taught that the only reason for waging war was profit and that all other "reasons" were just excuses.

If only James Madison hadn't said the "the means of defense against a foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.

If only the Patriot Act of 2001 hadn't been passed in the middle of the night while congress was under an Anthrax attack.

If only the Anthrax hadn't come from Fort Detrick, Md.

If only a company (Bioport) right before the "anthrax scare" wasn't acquired by the Carlyle group then given the contract to shoot up all Government workers.

If only information that skews the official, government statements wasn't blasted as conspiracy before being investigated.

If only there were no Odigo e-mails, Stock transactions, warnings not to fly public airline to officials, FEMA already in NYC on the tenth, lack of air cover, black boxes disintegrate but passports surviving the twin towers collapse and our President acting like nothing was happening.

If only all this didn't seem so obvious to me.

If only...

It will be a long time before I ever trust my Government again...if ever.

by: jmirth (35/M/A nice place to live)"