Friday, September 24, 2004

What Don't We Win in the Middle East?

Dick Cheney and the neoCons would say we win unrestricted access to the world's second largest pool of oil. We get permanent basing for military next door to Iran, and can exert pressure against Syria on behalf of Israel. We push Syria out of Lebanon, so Israel can get the water it needs, just a few kilometers into Lebanon. We pressure the Saudis, and can take over their oil fields on a moment's notice. We create enough turmoil that Israel can consolidate the West Bank without the US populace paying any attention, and we let Israel annex the Golan Heights.

All in all, the opportunity was irresistable. It just took lying to the American public about the WMD threat, the 'ties' between Saddam and al-Qaeda, and spending 200 or 300 billion and several thousand American lives. But Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force really likes it, and so does the defense industry.

And since Dick Cheney and the Bushies come from the oil patch, and Bush Sr. works for the biggest private defense contractor in America, why not do it? Too bad those Iraqis screwed up the original CPA effort to privatize the oil industry, and those nasty terrorists have raised a few objections to our occupation, huh, Dick?