Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Bush / Republican Accusations

In the bizarre, orwellian world that is BushCo and the republicans this year, I decided I need to start making a list of all things republicans accuse democrats of doing, when, as has been my observation, it is the exact opposite.


1. Ed Gillespie on Meet the Press on 10/24/2004, accused the democrats of "running a campaign of fear". Um....ok...I don't think I'm on drugs, but which party has been using the fear of terrorists non-stop since 9/11 ? Each terror alert level change...hell, have a look at the Republican convention. Here's a condensed version of the RNC convention. Watch it and tell me what's missing from their "plan for the future" of America.

2. After a week or more of seeing reports of democratic registrations getting shredded by a company hired by the RNC, I hear the republicans accusing democrats of "trying to steal the election...just like they did in 2000".

Excuse me! is a great summart of the Greg Palast report. See the link after the animation sequence.

3. Bush has caused a significant increase in government and then claims Kerry represents big government .

4. Bush is a complete failure when it comes to fighting terrorism so Bush claims there will be more terrorist attacks if Kerry is elected.

5. Bush invades Iraq and then blames Kerry since Kerry voted for it?

6. Swastikas burning on Bush supporters lawns. Who would be surprised if that wasn't a republican propaganda stunt?

7. The little girl who had her Bush sign taken and ripped in half. Who would be surprised if that wasn't a republican propaganda stunt?

8. The alleged story about someone registering democrats and offering crack cocaine? Who would be surprised if that wasn't a republican propaganda stunt?

9. Colorado/Florida/Ohio Dead people registering to vote? Anyone can fill out a registration form and submit. How easy would it be anyone to fill one out that says mickey mouse and register it as a republican?

10. Florida-acorn? Well, I haven't heard this one.

Cheap tricks. Too bad the GOP has noone worthy of holding the office of the White House and that they have to try to steal it.

I'm sure there are more, and I will list them as they come to me.

If you want to know Bush's true weaknesses, take a look at his attacks on Kerry. These people are greasy slimeballs who will resort to anything to discredit Kerry since they have nothing to run on this year.

Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/Rumsfeld---Don't change horsemen in the middle of an apocalypse.