Bush Spoke the Truth
Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "Bush Spoke the Truth
by: dangoodbar 10/01/04 05:39 pm
Msg: 141940 of 141984
6 recommendations
In 2000 Bush said if I voted for Al Gore and Al Gore won:
1. The economy would go into recession
2. The stock market would tank
3. Jobs would go overseas
4. Gas prices would go through the roof
5. Our military would be stretched way to thin.
6. The world would lose respect for America.
Well I voted for Al Gore. Al Gore won. And all those things Bush said came true. "
by: dangoodbar 10/01/04 05:39 pm
Msg: 141940 of 141984
6 recommendations
In 2000 Bush said if I voted for Al Gore and Al Gore won:
1. The economy would go into recession
2. The stock market would tank
3. Jobs would go overseas
4. Gas prices would go through the roof
5. Our military would be stretched way to thin.
6. The world would lose respect for America.
Well I voted for Al Gore. Al Gore won. And all those things Bush said came true. "
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