Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Iran Endorses Bush

Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "Iran Endorses Bush
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 10/20/04 08:57 pm
Msg: 212542 of 212560
5 recommendations

World Opinion Favors Kerry:

Iran Endorses Bush: lections_1

The Foreign Office was thrown into turmoil yesterday after the British ambassador to Rome, Sir Ivor Roberts, described President George Bush as 'the best recruiting sergeant ever for al-Qaida'.

His comment, made at a closed conference of about 100 British and Italian diplomats, politicians and journalists in Tuscany, was leaked to an Italian newspaper, provoking embarrassment in London.

According to one of those present, Sir Ivor had been taking part in a discussion on which candidate Europeans would back if they had a vote in the US election. The ambassador said they would vote for Mr Kerry but some people would want Mr Bush, not least al-Qaida.

'If anyone is ready to celebrate the eventual re-election of Bush, it's al-Qaida. Whereas it is clear that the Palestinians hope that a Kerry victory will unblock the situation,' he said.,11538,1309177,00.html "