Friday, March 19, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "Bush's national security credentials
by: bush_wags_the_dog 03/19/04 04:32 pm
Msg: 400238 of 400333
4 recommendations

1. Discarded recommendations of Clinton's task force on terrorism, which called out a rising threat from al Qaida. Used his energy to push for the useless 'missile defense' program instead.

2. Failed to heed many warnings over the summer of 2001 that a huge attack was likely in the autumn. Ashcroft started taking private planes, but no one warned *us*.

3. Failed to intercept ANY of the 4 planes on 9/11, despite standing policy that any plane suspected of being hijacked is to be intercepted and escorted to a safe landing. (Remember Payne Stewart?)

4. Let bin Laden's relatives return to Saudi Arabia immediately following 9/11 without questioning them -- the very people you'd want the most to ask about bin Laden.

5. Lied to get us into Iraq to fight Saddam, who didn't threaten us at all, while declaring bin Laden 'marginalized' and letting him escape. Meanwhile, bin Laden hatched last week's attack in Spain.

With a record like that, you'd think Bush was working for al Qaida, not America. "