Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Re: Candian LOSERS booed National Anthem
by: plenewken1 04/14/04 09:16 am
Msg: 436696 of 436864
4 recommendations

"What the fück is WRONG with the nutsos south of the border?

First they get their White House burned when their idiot President James Madison tried to invade Canada and we send our drunken Scotsmen and naked Indians over to kick their azz and send them back across their border... OK, good, problem solved, right? WRONG!

Just over a few decades later, after losing so harshly they want an ego booster and hey presto, off go their redneck soldiers to slaughter some Cuban peasants armed with shovels in the Spanish-American War! OK, THAT settled it, right? Surely you dipshits have had it with invading countries now, haven't you? You got your token victory; can we leave you home alone while we're gone?

Wait, what's that? Vietnam, you say? Well alright then, let your pot smoking soldiers go through a meat grinder, let’s watch you spend yourselves silly. At least we'll have 20 years of peace to look forward too while you lick your wounds…But naw…

Two decades later you realize Saddam isn’t your friend anymore, after you loved him so much fighting Iran, because you were bitter over that embassy hostage thing…and so you want us to give you money and troops to slaughter 100,000 Shi’ite troops that were forced into Saddam’s army. Yay! It's over! Maybe that will boost your ego, right? WRONG!!!

Now the terminally screwed up Amerirofukks reared on Jerry Springer, and WWE wrestling decide that they are “warriors” so they piss off the whole world by snubbing it, lying about WMDs, invading an impoverished sand trap, and running the place like a colony Well, surely you Amerifücks can take care of a sh!tholes the size of your average American state with a military budget equal to almost the rest of the world without us Eurotrash and Canucks getting involved, right? WRONG!!!

The stupid fukks have the gall to come back to the United Nations and beg for money from the very organization they called “irrelevant” only a few months ago... OK, here we go a-fukking-GAIN!!! In go the resolutions, the pledges for money, and support…to help out the American sh!theads out, because they have never gotten anything right by themselves.
Finally it looks like some semblance of intelligence is about to erupt in that rotten backwater of civilization that calls itself "America" when WHAM! The US of A finds itself under more attacks in their uncooperative colony of Iraq. Well, surely you guys remember all that we've done for you in the War Against Terrorism and let us lend a helping hand reconstructing the place, right? WRONG!!!

Oh no, now all you do is whine, while you play sour grapes over every fukkin move we made to defend our principles against Imperialism while your uneducated masses phone in on your radio shows to b1tch about OUR liberalism … and all the while you're busy building a totalitarian fascist dictatorship that would've made Adolf Fukkin' HITLER blush!!!

Listen, you fat-assed ignoramuses: It's time for you to face the fukkin music just for ONCE in your over bloated apathetic lives, OK? And I don't give sh!t anyway, it's not like you can pacify sh1thole sandtraps like Afghanistan and Iraq, even while your military spending is on par with the next 20 countries, I just want you to know one little thing. When you get caught in another mess again like in Vietnam and Iraq and come crying because “we can’t build a country on our own…whimper” and it WILL happen, you jerks seek these messes out, I'm gonna whip out the smallest violin I can find and play you the saddest song in the fukkin Universe, while your filthy redneck cousin fückers come home in body bags, for I'll be fukkin DAMNED if I'll ever lift a fukkin FINGER to help your sorry a$$es again!

Am I making myself crystal fukkin clear, you worthless stinking pissants?
Good! Now go to HELL!
I forgot, you're already there... Well enjoy, then... "

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