by: pawn_in_a_porsche 04/01/04 10:29 pm
Msg: 2986 of 3028
11 recommendations
At at time when we were engaged in an Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty and when it was well known that the world powers were working to reduce ICM programs?
What kind of thinking is that? Clarke was right, it's like the policies of the 80's had just been put on hold and the Bush Administration was wanting to revive them.
Reagan's STAR WARS missile defense initiative was a horrible failure costing more than $80 billion in U.S. tax money. It provacated a nuclear arms race between the U.S., Russia and China. True, Russia finally went backrupt but we'd spent billions on a failed system.
The only reason I can think of that the Bush Admininistration would want to revive such a program is because of connections to the Carlisle Corporation - wanting to infuse the defense industry with more tax dollars because that's where Bush's friends would profit the most.
What other reason would there have been to focus on such a program at that time in our history???
Absolutely NONE - Bush is a profiteering SOB plain and simple.
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by: pawn_in_a_porsche 04/01/04 10:29 pm
Msg: 2986 of 3028
11 recommendations
At at time when we were engaged in an Anti-Ballistic Missle Treaty and when it was well known that the world powers were working to reduce ICM programs?
What kind of thinking is that? Clarke was right, it's like the policies of the 80's had just been put on hold and the Bush Administration was wanting to revive them.
Reagan's STAR WARS missile defense initiative was a horrible failure costing more than $80 billion in U.S. tax money. It provacated a nuclear arms race between the U.S., Russia and China. True, Russia finally went backrupt but we'd spent billions on a failed system.
The only reason I can think of that the Bush Admininistration would want to revive such a program is because of connections to the Carlisle Corporation - wanting to infuse the defense industry with more tax dollars because that's where Bush's friends would profit the most.
What other reason would there have been to focus on such a program at that time in our history???
Absolutely NONE - Bush is a profiteering SOB plain and simple.
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