Yahoo! News Message Boards World News
Yahoo! News Message Boards World News: "Re: Warning emm_goldstein_2004
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/28/04 01:13 pm
Msg: 1886408 of 1887409
2 recommendations
Paid? No...Not at all. My posts come from my heart, not from any DNC script. I bitch about bush because he's ruining my country. He's ruined the reputation of my country. He's killing people needlessly and misleading my fellow Americans into believing he's doing this in the name of terrorism and protecting Americans. In reality he is following PNAC's plan for global military domination as spelled out in the PNAC Statement of Principles. Two documents you should read on the following site are the Statement of Principles and Rebuilding America's Defenses. The latter is about 68 pages in length. Careful, if you're a REAL neo-con, you'll probably get an erection reading it. If you're not, you'll be disgusted, pissed off, and start ranting on yahoo message boards.
There. Happy? You have you're very own typed response to your rant. "
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/28/04 01:13 pm
Msg: 1886408 of 1887409
2 recommendations
Paid? No...Not at all. My posts come from my heart, not from any DNC script. I bitch about bush because he's ruining my country. He's ruined the reputation of my country. He's killing people needlessly and misleading my fellow Americans into believing he's doing this in the name of terrorism and protecting Americans. In reality he is following PNAC's plan for global military domination as spelled out in the PNAC Statement of Principles. Two documents you should read on the following site are the Statement of Principles and Rebuilding America's Defenses. The latter is about 68 pages in length. Careful, if you're a REAL neo-con, you'll probably get an erection reading it. If you're not, you'll be disgusted, pissed off, and start ranting on yahoo message boards.
There. Happy? You have you're very own typed response to your rant. "
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