Monday, May 31, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories

Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "BUSH DESERVES ALL THE BASHING HE GETS!!
by: exnavyew 05/31/04 10:42 pm
Msg: 8577 of 8644
13 recommendations

Some media pundits claim that 'Bush-bashing' is strictly motivated by politics and is totally without merit.
As far as I'm concerned President Bush deserves all the 'bashing' he gets. He's an illegitimate president, fighting an illegitimate war for illegitimate reasons. He's lost over 2 MILLION jobs since taking office (the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover) running up record budget deficits with his tax-cuts that only benefit the already wealthy. And overseas President Bush has made America the most hated country on earth. America is no longer admired as the shining beacon of freedom but now is seen as a rogue police state, with wild cowboy leadership that has forsaken diplomacy entirely, choosing instead to impose it's will on others through force of arms.

Iraq was never a military threat to the United States. President Bush misled us into a war we didn't need to fight over WMDs that didn't exist.
And what kind of responsible leader says 'Bring Them On' during a time of war?

Is THIS the kind of America we want?
Is THIS the kind of America we want to raise our children in?


We need a new leader who will RESTORE the original vision of the Founding Fathers. One who will restore a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE!
A government that represents ALL Americans and NOT just corporate America, the rich and the privileged few. "