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Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "BUSH HAS ALREADY FAILED
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/26/04 07:14 pm
Msg: 32553 of 32686
5 recommendations
Had Bush not pissed away $300 BILLION dollars on revenge on Saddam for 'trying to kill my dad', we could have perhaps secured the homeland against such attacks and threats.
But no. Instead Bush bankrupts the country, takes away America's liberties, lines his daddy's pockets for his future inheritence, and tries his hand at empire building in the name of Project For New American Century.
Fcvk Bush and the horses of the apocalypse that he rode in on.
ABB 2004 "
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/26/04 07:14 pm
Msg: 32553 of 32686
5 recommendations
Had Bush not pissed away $300 BILLION dollars on revenge on Saddam for 'trying to kill my dad', we could have perhaps secured the homeland against such attacks and threats.
But no. Instead Bush bankrupts the country, takes away America's liberties, lines his daddy's pockets for his future inheritence, and tries his hand at empire building in the name of Project For New American Century.
Fcvk Bush and the horses of the apocalypse that he rode in on.
ABB 2004 "
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