Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Softer Side of Cheney

by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 07/03/04 05:23 am
Msg: 275 of 275

"Along the way, Cheney is trying to change the subject from the Iraq (news - web sites) war, hoping instead to point voters to the improving economy. "

DOW was down 110 points Thursday, and down another 50 Friday. A few more days of this kind of improvement and it'll be under 10,000.

"These are not times for leaders who shift
with the political winds, saying one thing one day and another the next," he said, pausing for the crowd's applause. "We need a commander in chief of clear vision and steady determination."

No...Apparently these are times to say one thing and do another, like tell military familes you support troops and families on Monday, then slash benefits and pay on Tuesday.

Like pretending that America are benevolent liberators one day, but torture and terrorize the next.

God I hate this administration. I hate what they've done to the image of America and what they've done in the name of America.

Bush --- Let's Not Elect Him In 2004 Either.

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