Thursday, August 05, 2004


Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "Bush is a failure as a Conservative
by: political_wisdom 08/05/04 09:58 am
Msg: 14582 of 14607
12 recommendations

There is a concerted effort by some people to create hate and division around the liberal and conservative labels. I?ve been a conservative all my life but get labeled a liberal because of belief that the invasion of Iraq was a very bad move for America.

Here are typical conservative beliefs compared to Bush:

* Conservative on Economics:
When it comes to government or business, my approach, the conservative approach is responsibility. With responsibility comes a careful plan covering where money comes from and where it goes.

* Bush Economics.
Bush is not responsible, he has run the national debt up to record levels, pushing America down the road of irresponsibility. This is not conservative economics.
See for more details.
When it comes to Jobs, Bush is no better:

* Conservative on Foreign policy
As a conservative, I want America to abide by it?s treaties and work through the established system.

* Bush on Foreign Policy
Bush is not a conservative, he?s a neocon. Neocons believe in throwing away our treaties and destroying the established world system.

* Conservative on fighting terrorism
The conservative approach to fighting terrorism includes, as the foremost principle that measures be effective. No conservative would venture down a path that is ineffective or one that increases terrorism.

* Bush on fighting terrorism
Bush, being a neocon does not care about being effective, he only cares about flexing America?s musc"