No WMD, Powell apologizing for the main premise of his speech to the UN being wrong, which makes the main premise for war wrong.
Liberation that smells more like Viet Nam than France.
Not enough troops to massively secure a country the size of California. Disallowing the ease at which insurgencies can grow.
A coallition, which at 60 nations totals more than BOTH WWI and WWII combined...on both sides.
Yet -
90% of military deaths American
90% of troops, American
90% of cost covered by, you guessed it Americans. And 5 nations have bailed in the last 10 months.
Nothing even close to subtantial when it comes to links to 9/11 or al-queda.
We have the largest negative deficit ever...and growing. The budget is unbalanced, and worst yet...there is no effort to balance it.
Bush bills constantly get trashed by Federal courts, because of Constitutional issues. No matter how you feel about the ruling, Bush losses often. Bad planning, waste of money.
Bush handpicked Chalabi and paid him 340k a month of OUR money. He was already known to be shady..and was a criminal in Jordan, I believe.
Bush decided to step back fromt he table with North Korea and allow China to handle it. Now North Korea has nukes and flaunts it.
Bush said he would never put the security of America in the hands of foriegners. He let the largest Communists agents deal with another Communists threat getting nukes.
Iran has nukes.
Not talking with these folks may be strong...but its also arrogant to think other humans won't work toward thier goals cause we dicide not to talk. Be close to your enemies. In this case, I beleive that.
Face it, as must as you love Bush. As much as some hate Kerry. He can't do much worst.
And I never ever worry about the US allowing ANY PRESIDENT OR ADMIN to take this country to a point that we can build back up from.
At worst we have to deal with terms likes Dubyas. It make take 2 terms to fix things. But its possible with someone else.
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News
by: failed_success
Liberation that smells more like Viet Nam than France.
Not enough troops to massively secure a country the size of California. Disallowing the ease at which insurgencies can grow.
A coallition, which at 60 nations totals more than BOTH WWI and WWII combined...on both sides.
Yet -
90% of military deaths American
90% of troops, American
90% of cost covered by, you guessed it Americans. And 5 nations have bailed in the last 10 months.
Nothing even close to subtantial when it comes to links to 9/11 or al-queda.
We have the largest negative deficit ever...and growing. The budget is unbalanced, and worst yet...there is no effort to balance it.
Bush bills constantly get trashed by Federal courts, because of Constitutional issues. No matter how you feel about the ruling, Bush losses often. Bad planning, waste of money.
Bush handpicked Chalabi and paid him 340k a month of OUR money. He was already known to be shady..and was a criminal in Jordan, I believe.
Bush decided to step back fromt he table with North Korea and allow China to handle it. Now North Korea has nukes and flaunts it.
Bush said he would never put the security of America in the hands of foriegners. He let the largest Communists agents deal with another Communists threat getting nukes.
Iran has nukes.
Not talking with these folks may be strong...but its also arrogant to think other humans won't work toward thier goals cause we dicide not to talk. Be close to your enemies. In this case, I beleive that.
Face it, as must as you love Bush. As much as some hate Kerry. He can't do much worst.
And I never ever worry about the US allowing ANY PRESIDENT OR ADMIN to take this country to a point that we can build back up from.
At worst we have to deal with terms likes Dubyas. It make take 2 terms to fix things. But its possible with someone else.
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News
by: failed_success
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