Thursday, October 21, 2004

TODAY'S NEWS - Thursday, October 21, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News: "A SAMPLING OF TODAY'S NEWS
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 10/21/04 10:55 pm
Msg: 44849 of 44898

Leading Economic Indicator Index Declines
Yahoo! News - Leading Economic Indicator Index Declines conomy_39&printer=1

Bush: 'We will not have an all volunteer army':

The U.S. Treasury Department tapped into a federal employee pension fund Thursday as a stop-gap measure to keep the government below its $7.384 trillion borrowing limit, Treasury Secretary John Snow said in a letter to Congress.

DOW under 9900^DJI

Kerry / Edwards '04 "