Saturday, March 20, 2004

USA Today says otherwise,,,
by: the_digital_neanderthal (42/M) 03/20/04 03:11 am
Msg: 16868 of 16914
14 recommendations

Those three trucks, mercedes benzes manufacture, are engulfed in flames, equally spaced and raging in flames, the smoke just pouring off,,,

Why can't we all be just friends?

Isn't that what Jack Nicholson said just before them martians skewered his body in that cheesy movie Mars Attacks?

Bush signed that executive order giving himself complete control of the money from the Iraqi oil exports, Condoleesa's state of the art supertanker is sitting in the water waiting for the first load, and the Iraqi's have other ideas, Blow up the americans, blow up the italians, blow up the british, how come the internet news didn't mention that the accidental blowing up of that hotel was blown up as a british convoy was passing by, no mention of any British dead in the USA news, it wasn't our problem.

Stay the course, heave ho, Bush says, forget about the lies of last year, lets just all get along and re elect this goofy bastard to his first term in office, He was appointed last time, he has signed laws that he can override any effort to remove himself from office in time of war, that patriot axct 1 and 2, were written by his deputies, and they both keep him out of jail for any international laws he may break while in office, him and the entire executive branch are home free, spending the income from the rape and pillage of american resources, to the tune of 87 billion dollars, plus a never ending spending spree afterward, where did all that money go after the congressional spending spree after the 9/11 attacks, into the business partners pockets that bought George "Bring Em On" Bush his job.

America is a dead thing, the leader is a puppet to the people who bought him his job.

He hails his own deed as a wonder among men, a shining star among the fat and lazy, just keep the spaniards and the polacks in the country until the checks clear for haliburton and Bechtel,

By July 1 the world will abandon Bush and his phony war, and what will the USA do as this buffoon is the appointed president.

Kill off a few hundred more of our troops george, Kill them all the elections are coming, fudge the numbers, their families can be erased from the voter lists just like they were in florida.

America is a dead thing ladies and ghents, you might want to get used to that idea, killed by none other than an "Appointed Leader",
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