Sunday, April 04, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards World News: "Re: Mission accomplished
by: bushwhacked_2 04/04/04 05:27 pm
Msg: 33789 of 33816
3 recommendations

Well, let's see:
Bush said it was because there was an immediate threat: False

Bush said it was because There were mobile biological weapons labs: False

Bush said it was because The had unmanned aircraft and missiles as delivery vehicles: False

Bush said it was because they had a Uranium enrichment program: False

Bush said it was because Iraq was a threat to the region. FALSE none of the neighboring states agreed and since the santions, Iraq's military budget was 1/10 of Kuwait's

Bush said it was because Saddam had ties to OBL: False

Bush said it was because Saddam was passing WMDs to terrorists: False He didn't have any ties or WMDs

Bush said it was because of humanitarian reason: False

Bush said it was because we were upholding the UN resolutions: False. If Saddam didn't have WMDFs he was not in violation and besides the UN voted against an invasion

Bush said it was because He had faulty intelligence... well you got me there, that is obvious every time he opens his mouth

First we were told we invaded Iraq because of their ability to strike the US with WMDs in 45 minutes.... not because they have the second largest oil reserves in the world..... but they were wrong about the 45 minutes.

Then we were told we invaded Iraq because they had missles and unmanned aircraft.... not because they have the second largest oil reserves in the world..... but they were wrong about the missles and unmanned aircraft.

Then we were tol"