Friday, April 02, 2004

Yahoo! News Message Boards Top Stories: "NEO-CON SPIN
by: mozartmusic2002 (49/M/Hudson Falls, N.Y.) 04/02/04 06:14 pm
Msg: 38729 of 38802
11 recommendations

'Libs love terrorists'. ' Libs love dead soldiers'. ' Libs support Saddam'. I'm so sick to death of these unusually stupid neo-cons twisting the agenda of most free-thinking people.After 9/11, this country was behind Bush in the war against terrorists, even though our own disastrous foreign policies are the reason we are in the shape we are in.We had the right to defend ourselves. So what does Bush do with that support? He goes to Iraq under a lie,puts thousands of our soldiers in harms way and loses the support of the entire world community. 6oo dead soldiers later, the war on terror has not been won,Iraq has become a graveyard for any American unlucky enough OR dumb enough to go there, and we are in the same boat that we were in before 9/11. THAT IS THE LIBERAL OBJECTION!!Nobody in their right mind supports Saddam. But nobody in their right mind should send people to die for political reasons based on anti-Arab sentiment. You neo-cons who are especially stupid need to get the liberal agenda straight before you slam it. Hannity, Limbaugh, and other assorted extreme right-wing morons are highly-paid to be stupid. What is your excuse? "