Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/26/04 08:24 pm
Msg: 33951 of 33979
9 recommendations
I hope to god that party will never again hold the office of president. Over the past 12 years they have shown themselves to be nothing but a useless bunch of self-serving bastards. They care NOTHING about America or Americans.
ABB 2004
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 05/26/04 08:24 pm
Msg: 33951 of 33979
9 recommendations
I hope to god that party will never again hold the office of president. Over the past 12 years they have shown themselves to be nothing but a useless bunch of self-serving bastards. They care NOTHING about America or Americans.
ABB 2004
Yahoo! News Message Boards Politics News
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