Yahoo! News Message Boards World News
Dumbyaonic Plague
by: immoral_liberal 05/27/04 12:30 pm
Msg: 137419 of 137425
1 recommendation
A pandemic affliction which carries an arrogant, self-righteous, condescending minority into the fevered delusion that they are called upon to dupe a mindless, naive citizenry into believing that preemptive wars, outrageous economic inequities, environmental pollution, irrational paranoia, religious zealotry, sexual insecurity, homophobia, media suppression, Social Darwinism, corporate welfare and abdication of civil liberties are necessary components of a democracy.
Common symptoms include equating debate with sedition and opposition with treason; substituting absurd neo-conservative ideology for pragmatism; confusing FOX "News" drivel with reality; and praising the intellectual genius of the illegitimate progeny of Joe McCarthy (e.g., Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Tom Delay).
Persons suffering from this malady can often be heard uttering phrases such as “It’s all Clinton’s fault”, "Whacko liberal traitors", "my God is better than your God", “Bring ‘em on”, “deficits don’t matter” and "more tax cuts".
Ineffective treatments have included wrapping oneself in a large flag and constantly singing "God Bless America".
Yahoo! News Message Boards World News
by: immoral_liberal 05/27/04 12:30 pm
Msg: 137419 of 137425
1 recommendation
A pandemic affliction which carries an arrogant, self-righteous, condescending minority into the fevered delusion that they are called upon to dupe a mindless, naive citizenry into believing that preemptive wars, outrageous economic inequities, environmental pollution, irrational paranoia, religious zealotry, sexual insecurity, homophobia, media suppression, Social Darwinism, corporate welfare and abdication of civil liberties are necessary components of a democracy.
Common symptoms include equating debate with sedition and opposition with treason; substituting absurd neo-conservative ideology for pragmatism; confusing FOX "News" drivel with reality; and praising the intellectual genius of the illegitimate progeny of Joe McCarthy (e.g., Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Tom Delay).
Persons suffering from this malady can often be heard uttering phrases such as “It’s all Clinton’s fault”, "Whacko liberal traitors", "my God is better than your God", “Bring ‘em on”, “deficits don’t matter” and "more tax cuts".
Ineffective treatments have included wrapping oneself in a large flag and constantly singing "God Bless America".
Yahoo! News Message Boards World News
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