Saturday, July 03, 2004


Re: Cheny is a fine Christian man =^/
by: emmanual_goldstein_1984 (45/M/Oceana) 07/03/04 04:35 pm
Msg: 282 of 282

"no one proofed that he used that language "

Do you know how many times we've heard bush "supporters" say "you have no proof"? We have no specific proof that ...

- Bush lied --- lying by omission or delegation doesn't count, right?
- Cheney swore...he used the "f" word on the Senate floor.
- Cheney influenced the decision to offer Halliburton no-bid contracts
- Bush read/had read to him, the daily briefing headlined "Bin Laden determined to attack America inside the US"
- the administration knew 9/11 was coming
- bush was awol
- bush snorted coke
- James Bath, the guy that Bush was awol with during the vietnam war, has shady ties to Saudi Arabian shieks

No. We don't have specific proof of any of these things. However, we also can't prove that George Bush Sr, once head of the CIA, didn't use his influence or power to clear any or remove incriminating or controversial records. No. So far no one can prove much.

The question I have for you is: With all of these "questionable" issues, why the hell would anyone vote for him to begin with?

Any answers?

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