Wednesday, September 22, 2004


A 21st Century Soviet Union.

An arrogant bully ruled by greedy, dictatorial, ideologues. Paranoid megalomaniacs who manage to find new enemies (?evil-doers?) at every turn and bent on ridding the world of any perceived threat to them or their powerful supporters. Utilizing a foreign policy centered on the interests of their wealthy sponsors, they thumb their nose at former allies, and invent Orwellian justifications for preemptive invasions of other nations.

It is controlled by an autocratic ruling class, concentrating wealth in the hands of a few favorites while blaming continuing domestic failures on political enemies ('liberals') and predecessors (e.g., 'Clinton') while pandering to elite special interests. An exclusive and secretive cult-like cadre of 'leaders' able to repress, deny and evade the truth by using the media to label any opposing opinion as a 'liberal lie' and seduce the electorate through fear and intimidation (yellow, orange, red?.).

A virtual 'one party' government that controls a na?ve citizenry by equating debate with sedition and opposition with treason. Their cause is aided by sycophantic followers using religious rhetoric and emotional issues to whip the frothing populace into a frenzy over nonsense (gay marriage, abortion, school prayer) while real issues continue to be neglected or ignored.

If Bush was not such a soppy, inarticulate, squirming little twirp, Joe Stalin would be proud of him.